Archeage map coordinates
Archeage map coordinates

archeage map coordinates

Having a Sextant helps with identifying your coordinates in relation to the shipwrecks if you happen upon a treasure map or using an interactive map like archebox's maps. Some of these may contain chests, which require a Recovery Pouch to float to the surface.

archeage map coordinates archeage map coordinates

Regarding underwater treasure, there's shipwrecks scattered about the ocean floor. There's exceptions to this, but requires patron and land owned in a zone that has a fellowship plaza (can explain more on that later if you'd like). You then carry it on your back to a gold trader in another zone - the farther away it is from the zone crafted, the higher your payout.Īs more types of a trade pack are turned in at a zone, it's value slowly decreases. There's actually a blue salt brotherhood quest that walks you through the steps on making trade packs, but basically for each zone you're in there's trade packs you can craft which require specific goods (to make gwenoid apple pies for example, you need apples and chopped produce, then combine those with a certificate at a specialty station (usually one per zone in one of the housing districts). Автор сообщения: KasseopeaAnd what about the underwater treasure? Is it just diving somewhere deep and search for lootable crates? does one city pay more for lets say potatoes than another?Īnd what about the underwater treasure? Is it just diving somewhere deep and search for lootable crates?

archeage map coordinates

Most say "Well, you pack stuff into packs and then you get a pack out of it" - yeah, great, how do i know how much of which stuff i even need? Or where to transport them to to have the most money earned? Do different cities have different needs? I.e. To be honest even after reading several articles i dont quite get what those trading packs are about. Автор сообщения: neoVictrixDepends on if you're solo or doing group stuff. There's also looking for underwater treasure at sea, but requires some gold to get yourselves set up before going out to explore, and carries risk from level 50 mobs to ghost ships, to pirates, to hostile players, to the kraken. Start off with some of the simple trade packs (by simple I mean ones that require the least amount of work - materials you can obtain by using public farms or from gathering in the wild) and use the airships to get the most money by turning them in at pvp areas (if you're feeling lucky, but carries risk at your current level). I'd say go with what you can manage and work from there. You could also get into alchemy or cooking for the food/potion buff consumables people love using, but that's slow and requires a lot of materials from other proficiencies. You can gather and sell in-demand resources, which could range from mining, to logging, gathering. Solo-friendly / small-group friendly things would likely be trade packs, so you're looking at the commerce, gathering, and husbandry proficiencies.


The recent update has already had a guild make 20k from trade packs from the whole "kraken-on-a-stick" thing. Depends on if you're solo or doing group stuff.

Archeage map coordinates